1111 11 Ave SW. Calgary, AB +1 403.817.6485 networking@ccislive.ca
1 minute reading time (100 words)

Employment Trends in 2022

Today, our young professionals had the opportunity to learn from Katia Milrad Segal, our savvy carrer advisor and human resources specialist insightful information about emerging sectors, growing industries and new and in-high demand jobs in 2022!

Our attendees started by learning different strategies to recognize their top skills, accomplishments, needs and wants, and identifying the jobs that are a best fit for them. Our participants also learned tips on how to network online effectively using their linkedin profiles.

It was a very well rounded session that definitely brought incredible value to each and every one of our CCIS young professionals.

Education for Youth: How to Navigate the Post-Seco...
Financial Mindfulness - RBC

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